“An Encounter between Bhutan in Shei-Pa: 2012 Taiwan and Bhutan national park exchange forum” was held at the Cathay Financial Holdings Taipei Conference Center April 13, 2012, as organized by the Shei-Pa National Park Administration.
The event marks the first official exchange between any Taiwan and Bhutan national parks. Discussion topics include the development of national parks around the world, as well as the “national happiness index” of Bhutan. Karma Dukpa, Director of the Department of Forests and Park Services, Ministry of Agriculture and Forests of the Royal Government of Bhutan, gave a speech on the relations between people’s happiness and environment protection in his country. Karma Tshering, Chief Forestry Officer of the Nature Recreation and Ecotourism Division, shared his managerial experience in Bhutan’s national parks.

Taiwan specialists also shared their experience in recovering endangered species and local ecology, and in establishing ties with the locals. Such include a presentation on Guanwu forests, a speech on partnership between national parks and indigenous residents by author of “Smangus Guided Tours” Lahuy Icyh, and a screening of “Passion of Nature,” best documentary of the 2012 Golden Tassel Awards, along which director Chen Chin-fa shared his observations on the recovery of Guanwu (Formosan) salamanders. Finally, officer from Bhutan visited five national parks of Taiwan during their stay, including Yangmingshan, Shei-Pa, Kenting, Yushan and Taijiang.